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Plastic Pollution | How To Use Less Plastic | Plastic Pollution Facts

Plastic pollution. This video is on plastic pollution facts, how to use less plastic, reduce plastic usage and plastic pollution.

I wanted to do a video about plastic pollution this week, looking at how we can reduce our plastic footprint and most importantly I hope that with your help this video is seen by pharmaceutical companies so they can begin making changes to certain medication and plastic waste.


Almost everything is partly made from plastic, I mean even our clothes! But it seems like we never thought why are we using this strong material that takes 500-1000 years to break down for things that we literally throw away like packaging. And as a consequence we are now living in a time where plastic has saturated our environment, it’s in our landfills, it’s in our cities, it’s in our oceans and it’s even getting in our bodies - yes our bodies. Micro-plastics which are tiny pieces of plastic have even been found in things like salt, honey, beer and even tap water. Now this is definitely something which needs more research to find out if there are any health risks associated with the consumption of micro-plastics.


Since the invention of plastic it’s estimated that 8.3 billion metric tons have been produced. So what have we done with it all? Well 9% was recycled, 12% was incinerated so burnt and 60% go to landfills or in our natural environment.

Here are the facts,

• Every day approximately 8 million pieces of plastic find their way into our oceans.

• Plastic pollution can now be found on every beach in the world.

• Scientists have recently discovered microplastics embedded deep in the Arctic ice.

• There may now be around 5.25 trillion macro and microplastic pieces floating in the open ocean. Weighing up to 269,000 tonnes.

• Plastics consistently make up 60 to 90% of all marine debris studied.

For more facts please visit:


• Carry a reusable coffee cup or flask. Around 2.5 billion coffee cups are thrown away every year in the UK alone.

• Say no to plastic cutlery. By carrying a spork, reusing your plastic cutlery or going for a compostable alternative, you could personally save 466 items of unnecessary plastic every year.

• Say not to straws. There is an easy fix to this one, if you don’t need one, don’t use one. • Ditch the cling wrap - Unlike cling film that cannot be recycled, foil is recyclable. So if you are using foil, make sure you put it in the recycling bin after use!

• Unfortunately supermarkets are still using plastic bottles for milk at the moment, so go back to the trusted milkman who deliver the milk in glass bottles which are reused and recycled.

• Don’t throw everything in the bin for landfill, recycle as much as you can. But remember plastics can only be recycled a certain number of times so yes recycle as much as you can but also reduce your plastic use so it reduces its circulation. For more helpful tips visit:


The purpose of this video is to help reduce our plastic footprint and get the attention of pharmaceutical companies so they can start making changes together we can put pressure on them and make them aware that we want changes. Current inhaler recycle scheme: It's time for pharmaceutical companies to begin looking into these changes to reduce plastic waste and reduce our plastic waste globally.

I really hope my tips help and please spread the word to your friends, family and loved ones so they can also begin making these little changes and you never know this video may catch the attention of the pharmaceutical companies,

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Prescribing Media Pharmacist | Extreme Optimist | Bringing Science Through New Videos Every Week - Monday 4PM(GMT) YouTube.

I'm a prescribing media pharmacist who loves science, making videos and helping people. I work in both GP surgeries and community pharmacy.


This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.



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