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Warts | Verrucas | How To Get Rid Of Warts

Warts or verrucas. This video is on how to get rid of warts, verrucas, warts treatment and how to remove a wart.

This weeks video on how to get rid of warts and verrucas I've received a lot of messages and comments to make a video on this topic and now it's finally ready. I really hope my tips help you and always remember you’re awesome!


Warts and verrucas are small lumps on the skin that most people have at some point in their life. They usually go away on their own but may take months or even years.

Warts do not cause you any harm but some people find them itchy, painful or embarrassing. Verrucas are more likely to be painful – like standing on a needle. Warts and verrucas are caused by various strains of the human papilloma virus (there are over 100 strains, and there’s pretty much no avoiding getting at least one of them through such things as shared changing rooms).

If you're unsure what warts and verrucas look like there are some really helpful images and description on the following NHS link:


Well, the plain truth is that two thirds of the time they will just disappear within 2 years, as your body eventually recognises and deals with the infection. But if you don’t fancy waiting that long (or you’re one of the unlucky remaining one third), you’re faced with some options.

There are plenty of ‘wart clinics’ ready to freeze your wart or verruca with liquid nitrogen – but this can damage the surrounding skin and the evidence for its effectiveness turns out to be surprisingly slim.

Please note: None of the treatments in this video should be used for warts on the face or genitals please seek medical attention for these.

You can also buy creams, plasters and sprays from pharmacies to get rid of warts and verrucas. These treatments can take up to 3 months to complete, may irritate your skin and do not always work. You should not use these treatments on your face or genital area.

The last option which is my favourite is the duct tape technique explained in the video which has been shown to be rather effective. And duct tape is relatively cheap and easy to use at home, so you might want to give it a go.


• You're worried about a growth on your skin

• You have a wart or verruca that keeps coming back

• You have a very large or painful wart or verruca

• A wart bleeds or changes in how it looks

• You have a wart on your face or genitals

For more information on genital warts:


Warts and verrucas are caused by a virus. They can be spread to other people from contaminated surfaces or through close skin contact. You're more likely to spread a wart or verruca if your skin is wet or damaged.


• Wash your hands after touching a wart or verruca

• Change your socks daily if you have a verruca

• Cover warts and verrucas with a plaster when swimming

• Take care not to cut a wart when shaving


• Do not share towels, flannels, socks or shoes if you have a wart or verruca

• Do not bite your nails or suck fingers with warts on

• Do not walk barefoot in public places if you have a verruca

• Do not scratch or pick a wart

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Prescribing Media Pharmacist | Extreme Optimist | Bringing Science Through New Videos Every Week - Monday 4PM(GMT).

I'm a prescribing media pharmacist who loves science, making videos and helping people. I work in both GP surgeries and community pharmacy.


This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

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About Me:

Prescribing Media Pharmacist | Extreme Optimist | Bringing Science Through New Videos Every Week - Monday 4PM(GMT) YouTube.

I'm a prescribing media pharmacist who loves science, making videos and helping people. I work in both GP surgeries and community pharmacy.


This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.



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