It was a pleasure to work with The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) who regulate all medicines in the UK. Our aim in this video, was to warn people about the dangers of buying potentially life threatening diet pills from illegal online suppliers.
Almost 2 in 3 people suffered unpleasant side effects after taking dangerous online slimming pills, these included bleeding that wouldn’t stop, heart attacks, strokes and hallucinations!
The contents of these unlicensed diet pills are unknown, not tested for safety and have been found stored in dirty, rat infested warehouses and garden sheds. Fake medical products and and dangerous diet pills are a big problem which the MHRA are working hard to end. The MHRA has seized nearly £3million worth of unlicensed slimming pills since April 2013, and closed down over 5,000 unauthorised online retailers in 2016.
Thank you to all the organisations who helped promote the video, it performed really well and hopefully will have a positive impact by increasing the shingles vaccine uptake. Here are a few of the organisations who helped support and promote the video,
Local CCGs
Community Pharmacies
Medical Practices
The #FakeMeds campaign run by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) gives you quick and easy tools to avoid fake medical products when shopping online:
I highly recommend everyone visits their page at https://fakemeds.campaign.gov.uk/ for lots of great information - There's also 10 top tips on how to keep yourself safe online when buying medicines.
Here are some links to some great guides and tips on how to lose weight safely:
Want to see more videos about everything health and pharmacy? Let me know in the comments below. Subscribe for new videos ▶https://www.youtube.com/c/AbrahamThePharmacist
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This video is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions. Abraham The Pharmacist has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.
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